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April Fools 2020

I Folli son tornati!

2ª edizione dell’evento annuale organizzato dall’ASD Sala d’Arme del Folle a Torino e valido per il Campionato Nazionale CSEN.

Fools have come back!

2nd edition of the annual event organized by Sala d’Arme del Folle in Turin (Italy), and valid for the CSEN National Championship.


  • Spada da lato – Open

    Sabato 4 → massimo 32 atleti

  • Spada a due mani – Femminile

    Sabato 4 → massimo 16 atlete

  • Spada a due mani – Open

    Domenica 5 → massimo 32 atleti


  • Sidesword – Open

    Saturday 4th → 32 fencers max

  • Longsword – Women

    Saturday 4th → 16 fencers max

  • Longsword – Open

    Sunday 5th → 32 fencers max


  • Palestra

    Via Fossano, 8 – 10144 Torino

    Vedi sulla mappa
  • Ristorante (solo sabato sera)

    Cascina Duc
    Str. del Portone, 197, 10095 Grugliasco TO

    Vedi sulla mappa


  • Gym

    Via Fossano, 8 – 10144 Torino

    View on the map
  • Restaurant (Saturday night only)

    Cascina Duc
    Str. del Portone, 197, 10095 Grugliasco TO

    View on the map

Istruttori & seminari

Instructors & workshops

Maarten Van der Auwera

Sumus Soldani


Maarten started doing HEMA four years ago at Sumus Soldani: he mainly trains longsword, but also has a soft spot for sword and buckler.

What really got him invested to get serious about HEMA were the tournaments: he has done quite a few of them and even won a couple. He managed to get the 9th rank in last years CSEN rankings.

After a while, he also started teaching and he is now an instructor at Sumus Soldani.

Next to fencing, he also followed teaching studies at college and try to apply what he learned there to HEMA.


“A krump for every occasion”

The krumphau is a very versatile technique, yet not often used in sparring and even less in tournaments. In this workshop, we will look at practical applications of the krumphau in the three times: nach, indes and vor. The goal is to give you the inspiration to incorporate the krump in your fencing style.




Spada a due mani


Maarten started doing HEMA four years ago at Sumus Soldani: he mainly trains longsword, but also has a soft spot for sword and buckler.

What really got him invested to get serious about HEMA were the tournaments: he has done quite a few of them and even won a couple. He managed to get the 9th rank in last years CSEN rankings.

After a while, he also started teaching and he is now an instructor at Sumus Soldani.

Next to fencing, he also followed teaching studies at college and try to apply what he learned there to HEMA.

“A krump for every occasion”

The krumphau is a very versatile technique, yet not often used in sparring and even less in tournaments. In this workshop, we will look at practical applications of the krumphau in the three times: nach, indes and vor. The goal is to give you the inspiration to incorporate the krump in your fencing style.





Andrea Reggi & Devis Carli

Sala d’Arme Achille Marozzo


Andrea Reggi

Andrea Reggi ha iniziato la sua esperienza schermistica con la Sala d’Arme Achille Marozzo dal 2014 nella zona di Faenza e Forlì.
Il motivo principale che ha avvicinato Andrea alla scherma era una mera curiosità, generata dalle varie storie di duelli e dai racconti dell’epica cavalleresca, per poi tramutarsi in una passione per quello che erano i valori degli uomini del passato e l’arte dei duellanti di un tempo. Principalmente studia e pratica la scherma rinascimentale della scuola Bolognese, con una netta preferenza per le discipline con doppia arma. Numerosi i podi raccolti durante questi anni, ultimi dei quali il bronzo all’Aprils Fools a Torino e l’oro al Totentanz a Reggio Emilia, altrettanto corposa è la sua collezione di premi per lo stile schermistico, tra i quali non ultimo per importanza quello del Campionato Italiano Uisp. In ultimo sta completando il suo percorso di affiancamento nell’insegnamento, iniziato due anni fa sotto la guida di Mattia Skuly. Mattia ci dice di Andrea, senza falsa modestia, che “è un apprezzato schermitore e una delle forze evolutive più brillanti e determinate del panorama schermistico italiano”. “Che gente curiosa, strana, que gagliardi vecchi! Fieri, intolleranti d’ogni freno; capaci di ogni nobile azione, come di qualsiasi brigantesca birbanteria, riboccavano di coraggio; e meraviglioso era in loro il disprezzo per l’esistenza! Che tempi erano quelli!” Jacopo Gelli


Devis Carli

Devis è sempre stato appassionato di spade, cavalleria e arti marziali. Da giovane ha praticato karate, kung fu, thai boxe, scherma olimpica e tiro con arco da campagna, assieme ad altri sport. Mai soddisfatto, ha scoperto il suo vero amore nella scherma storica.
Si è unito alla Sala D’Arme Achille Marozzo nel 2008, e ha concentrato i suoi studi sulle tradizioni italiane Rinascimentali, sia Bolognesi che Fiorentine (anche se preferisce le prime).
Da quel momento in poi si è allenato con varie armi come spada sola, brocchiere, pugnale, rotella, cappa, spada a due mani, ecc. è diventato istruttore nella Sala D’Arme Achille Marozzo nel 2012, è attualmente insegna spada e brocchiero bolognese a San Marino.
Crede fortemente che non possa esistere HEMA senza trattati; quindi cerca sempre di essere il più fedele alle fonti possibile.
Avendo ottenuto i “titoli non ufficiali” di “Italian Blender” e “włoski niedźwiedź”, ha vinto numerosi tornei nazionali e internazionali negli ultimi anni.

“L’efficacia della semplicità”

Giovanni dall’Agocchie di Bologna è un autore del 16esimo secolo, che scrive un trattato dal titolo “Dell’Arte di Scrimia”, libri tre, nel 1572. Per chi frequenti i tornei, specie quelli internazionali, è possibile che si vivano diverse frustrazioni rispetto al tentativo di applicare un’arte marziale in un contesto agonistico/sportivo. Tralasciando fattori di preparazione atletica e costanza di allenamento, che comunque rimangono alla base di ogni preparazione, il seminario vuole analizzare come un autore “minore” come Giovanni dall’Agocchie possa fornire utili spunti per l’applicazione di una scherma marziale anche in contesti fortemente agonistici. Ci si concentrerà su spada sola che, come dice l’autore, “è la base per tutte le discipline e da questa tutte discendono” per fornire semplici e pratiche azioni da perfezionare poi in sede di training personale.


Da intermedio ad avanzato


Minimo maschera e guanti, simulacro di spada


Andrea Reggi

Andrea Reggi began his fencing experience with the Sala d’Arme Achille Marozzo in 2014 in Faenza and Forlì. The main reason that brought Andrea to HEMA was a curiosity generated by the narrative about duels and chivalric romance, curiosity that turned into a true passion for old values and the art of duel. He studies and practices the Renaissance fencing of the Bolognese school, with a preference for disciplines with two weapons. Numerous podiums were collected during these years, the last being the bronze at Aprils Fools in Turin and the gold at Totentanz in Reggio Emilia; his collection of awards for the fencing style is just as substantial, including, not least in importance, the one for the Italian Uisp Championship. Lately, he is completing his formation as a fencing teacher, started two years ago under the guidance of Mattia Škulj. Mattia tells us about Andrea, without false modesty, that “he is an appreciated fencer and one of the most brilliant and determined evolutionary forces in the Italian fencing scene”.

“What strange, strange people, those old stalwarts! They are proud, intolerant of any bridle; capable of every noble deed, as of any felonious mischief, they are full of courage; and their contempt for existence was marvelous! What times were those!” translation from Jacopo Gelli


Devis Carli

Devis has always been keen on swords, chivalry and martial arts. During his youth he practiced karate, kung fu, thai boxe, sport fencing and country archery, along many other sports. He could never find his true love, though, until the moment he heard about HEMA.
He joined Sala D’Arme Achille Marozzo in 2008, focusing on Italian Renaissance tradition, both Bolognese and Florentine (albeit preferring the former).
Since then he has been training with various weapons, such as sword alone, sword and buckler, dagger, rotella, cloak, two handed sword, etc.
Devis graduated instructor in Sala D’Arme Achille Marozzo in 2012, he’s currently focusing his studies on Bolognese sword and buckler in San Marino.
He strongly believes there can be no HEMA without historical fencing treatises; therefore, he always tries to be as faithful as possible to the sources when teaching.
Having gained the “unofficial titles” of “Italian Blender” and “włoski niedźwiedź”, he has won various national and international tournaments in the last years.

“Simplicity’s effectiveness”

Giovanni dall’Agocchie from Bologna is an Author of the 16th century, who wrote a treatise entitled “Dell’Arte di Scrimia”, libri tre, in 1572.
For those who attend tournaments, especially international ones, it is possible to experience different frustrations in the attempt to apply a martial art in a competitive context. Although athletic preparation and constant training remain the basis of every competitor, this workshop aims to analyze how a “minor” author like Giovanni dall’Agocchie can provide useful tecniques and tips for the application of a martial styled fencing even in competitive contexts. We will focus on single sidesword which, as the author says, “is the basis for all disciplines and from this all descend” providing simple and practical actions adequate to be perfected during personal training.


Intermediate to advanced


Minimum mask and gloves, sword.

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